Please note: Links are given for contact details where appropriate
President and organiser of the Potters Open Day (POD): John Higgins (T)
Chair and organiser of Kingsbury Barn Exhibition: Jackie Harrop (T)
Vice chair: Vacancy
Treasurer: Laura Gibbs
Secretary: Vacancy
Programme Organiser: Vacancy
Membership Secretary: Nicole Lyster
Library: Gay Crommelin
Safeguarding Lead: Sandie Thomas
Property manager: Tony Baxter
Instagram/Facebook: Emma Przygrodzka– our FB account is linked to Instagram (Instagram posts are automatically put up on FB, events are posted on FB separately)
Website Coordinator: Pat Joyce
Newsletter Editor: Ros McGuirk (T)
Newsletter Production and Publicity: David Evans (T)
Visits and Social Events: Judi Tribe
Colin Hazelwood
Mary Anne Bonney (T)
Please note: If you are interested in joining the committee, and would like to know more, please contact our chair, Jackie Harrop via, thank you.